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Data Governance Program

Success Checklist


Follow these 16 steps to develop a World Class Data Governance Process!


Before you begin, read steps 11 & 15. Make sure operations is part of your plan from the beginning.


☐ Step 1:  Create Draft Charter Document – include all your assumptions and expectations as a place to start getting input from stakeholders

☐ Step 2:  Meet with each sponsor or executive leader and get their input to the Charter

☐ Step 3:  Use feedback from sponsors to get to a Working Charter

☐ Step 4:  Identify the broader group of stakeholders

☐ Step 5: Review the Working Charter document with Stakeholders and include their feedback

☐ Step 6: Identify any competing or conflicting interests and resolve


Steps 7 – 11 are planning the implementation items

☐ Step 7: Sketch out the organization structure

☐ Step 8: Define milestones

☐ Step 9: Break milestones into specific deliverables

☐ Step 10: Begin a document to capture and “parking lot” and long-term Roadmap items.

☐ Step 11:  Begin the Turn-over-to-operations plan


Step 12 is a Pre-Implementation step

☐ Step 12: Hold a joint review session with sponsors and stakeholders of the Working Charter for Approval by Sponsors and Informing Stakeholders.


Implementation Steps

☐ Step 13: Complete the activities Planned in steps 7 – 11

☐ Step 13A:  Implement Organization Structure

☐ Step 13B:  Achieve each deliverable according to schedule

☐ Step 13C:  Mark off each milestone through a Phase Gate review

☐ Step 13D:  Keep the Parking Lot current and begin to put dates for planning

☐ Step 13E:  Develop the long-term Roadmap to implement items outside of the initial scope

☐ Step 13F:  Develop the artifacts and staffing model needed for the Operational Model


Wrap-up and Continuity

☐ Step 14:  Communicate successes, risks, issues, and status along the way

☐ Step 15:  Turn over to Operations (This process varies at every organization. Make sure you know what it means for you before you even begin.)

☐ Step 16:  Document your success and get your sponsor to “approve” demonstrating that you met expectations.


Now Celebrate!

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